Eleda.Org Seminars Announces its Upcoming Class: An Introduction to Bantú Cosmology and the Rites of Palo By Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero An important and groundbreaking course on the most often misunderstood of the Afro-Cuban religions Beginning: Thursday, February 7, 2013 […]
palo mayombe
Palo Mayombe Services
Who Am I and What services do I offer? My name is Oscar. I was originally initiated into Palo in 1995 and currently reside in Miami, Florida. My lineage is Kimbisa con Mayombe Guanofilo con Mulenda Santo Cristo Buen Viaje […]
Palo Mayombe Initiation
To be initiated means to become part of something, to be accepted as a member of a group or society. Like many initiations Palo initiation is likened to a simultaneous death and rebirth and occurs for various reasons but one […]
Palo Mayombe – the Dark Side of Santeria?
Palomayombe.com was originally founded in 2001. Since its inception its primary purpose was to provide the world with accurate information about the religion known as Palo (aka Palo Mayombe, Palo Monte, Kimbisa). Over the past decade there have been a few articles and websites […]
May 2012 F.A.Q.s
I received an e-mail over the weekend with some interesting questions. The following are my replies. Please feel free to e-mail me any questions you may have to tataguerra@yahoo.com Q. Most approaches to Palo talk about it as a system […]
Transcultural Pilgrim: Three Decades of Work by José Bedia
The Miami Art Museum will be exhibiting Jose Bedía’s “Transcultural Pilgrim” from Thursday, May 24 through Sunday, September 2, 2012. For more information please visit: http://www.miamiartmuseum.org/exhibition_jose-bedia-transcultural-pilgrim.asp
Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero to make guest appearances on KDCL Media Internet Radio
Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero will be making guest appearances on KDCL’s show “Candelo’s Corner” Monday nights from 8pm – 10pm. The show is hosted by Tata Candelo Kimbisa and is oftentimes accompanied by guests that are Tatas and Yayas from […]
Is Palo Black Magic?
Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_magic). This definition alone places Palo in direct opposition with “Black Magic.” Palo’s primary purpose is to cure “illness.” It is important to note […]
Wiccans and Palo
Recently I have had numerous Wiccans contact me asking for additional information in regards to becoming initiated in Palo. As I mentioned in a previous article the practitioners that make up Palo are no longer made up of the same […]
An Introduction to Bantú Cosmology and the Rites of Palo
Eleda.Org Seminars Announces its Upcoming Class: An Introduction to Bantú Cosmology and the Rites of Palo By Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero An important and groundbreaking course on the most often misunderstood of the Afro-Cuban religions Beginning: Thursday, May 10, 2010 Time: 7:30 […]