The world has been waiting for a well written concise book about Palo in English for quite some time now. I was completely unaware that this book existed up until not too long ago. I believe this is because the […]
palo mayombe
Can children be initiated into Palo?
I was made aware of a recent incident in the Atlanta, Georgia area earlier today that has made headlines in the local and national news. The incident has been reported as an investigation of a 4 year old girl with […]
El debate de Ifa
Recientemente tuve una conversación con un amigo que se esta preparando para “hacerse Santo” en La Regla Lucumi. La verdad que me alegro que el se sienta tan emocionado por su ceremonia y le deseo todo lo mejor. Durante nuestra […]
Cuban Filmmaker Roberto Chile’s work comes to the U.S.
A sample of the photographer and filmmaker Roberto Chile “Images of everyday Afro-Cuban” opened in New York under the auspices of the embassies of Venezuela and Cuba in the United States. Original article here! One of Cuba’s top photographers and […]
PALO: LA MAGIA NEGRA DE LA SANTERÍA fue fundado en el año 2001. Desde ese tiempo su propósito a sido dar al mundo información precisa sobre la religión que se conoce como el Palo, o Palo Mayombe, Brillumba, Palo Monte, Kimbisa. En la última década han […]
Magic is the ability to control the world by supernatural means but magic cannot be performed at the whim of the Palo practitioner otherwise known as the Palero. Rather, the Palero must act with approval of all spirits in order […]